OT I wonder what will happen next.
(too old to reply)
2021-02-02 08:42:36 UTC
Judge refuses to give guns back illegally

What happens when half the country thinks that the courts won't support their legal rights?

Asking for a friend.
2021-02-03 20:01:45 UTC
Post by ***@bigmailbox.net
Judge refuses to give guns back illegally
What happens when half the country thinks that the courts won't support their legal rights?
Asking for a friend.
Uh, dude lectures wearing a cowboy hat indoors. Hmm. Doesn't seem to understand what ex parte is. You don't need the other party's presence to get an ex parte against that person. That's what ex parte is.
Also, the dude is conflating ex parte and restraining orders. They are two different things. One court may throw out the restraining order, but that does not affect the ex parte order, which still needs court attention.

Finally, ever wonder in "stand-your ground" Florida why the first judge had the man's guns confiscated in the first place? It wouldn't happen for just two people yelling at each other. The man must have shown himself armed in his arguments with the woman.